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1 novembre 2023

New Global Head of Sales

Alexander Zinn on our sales challenge

Our new Global Head of Sales, Alexander Zinn, brings a wealth of experience to LINDEMANN. He shared his initial impressions and vision for the company in a short interview. “I see a lot of work ahead to bring the company up to the next level,” he said, “but we have everything we need. Good customers, great products, and a growing market. So, I’m confident that we can make it – we just need to implement some new stuff!” When asked about the challenges facing LINDEMANN in terms of sales, Alexander emphasized the need to address product pricing and stressed the importance of effective communication in conveying LINDEMANN’s customer benefits. “Communications, Marketing and Sales are inextricably linked – and this is something we must improve in the coming months. And then I’m sure sales success will follow,” Alexander noted. He also emphasized the importance of a well thought out sales plan, structured processes, and increased professionalization of the sales approach. “In the short term it’s about making sure that we have a good pipeline of future business opportunities and getting them over the line,’ Alexander concluded. “Sales can’t just happen by luck. We need to have a well thought out plan – and stick to it – while still allowing a measure of flexibility. But we need to put a new sales structure in place, and if there is, then success will follow.
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